Gam S.r.l. is a company founded by partners that have acquired a decades of experience in the realization of machines and equipments for manufacture and handling of marble, granite, agglomerates and generic stones’ field.
Gam S.r.l. is, so, able to provide a wide range of machines to starting by load systems of slabs, semi-automatic and automatic, to load and unload systems of strips and tiles for various materials.
It also has been dedicated great attention to the study, the research and the realization of innovative system of calibration for all materials and even for quartz-resin agglomerates, that ensure high precisions of the thickness obtained, high feed speed with low operating costs for energy consumption and even for maintenance.
We also got excellent results for the realization of tangential heads for lapping and polishing granite, agglomerates and porcelain granite that guarantee a high quality of finishing and especially the possibility of being mounted on different brands of polishing machines existing on the world market.